From L.A. to Rome...gluten free all the way!

Sunday, May 20

Eataly {Torino}

My host, Paolo mentioned a few points of interest during my stay in his remarkable city and Eataly was on that list!  I've visited Eataly in New York City and was so impressed by the grandeur of the space with vibrant restaurants, specialized counters dedicated to fish, meat, pizza + pasta, panini, gelato & espresso and the ultra huge marketplace with specialty items to die for!

Torino boasts two Eataly locations, a small {newer} location and a large location a distance away, close to the future main train station Lingotto.  I choose the smaller location and walked over...

Lot's of fresh fruits and veggies.

Downstairs in the marketplace there's so many unique items.

and, the gfree section of corn pasta, and a few flours for baking - I bought the Torta di Nocciole {hazelnut cake mix}!

After shopping, I visited the espresso bar & ordered a dreamy cappuccino...

A quick sample of gelato from the Làit Gelateria Alpina:

Now, I'm off to bake the Torta di Nocciole.

A presto!

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